Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tell the Children

Do not forget the things your eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your heart all the days of your life; rather, tell them to your children and to your children’s children.    Duet.4:9
Moses is about to die and the Jewish nation is about to cross the Jordan into the promised land. Moses gives the people the Law is told to him by God.

The Jewish people had just wandered forty years in the desert. They had seen God as a pillar of smoke by day and a tower of flame by night. They had seen water come from a rock, manna fall from heaven, their enemies supernaturally defeated. In short they had seen God's love for them at work.

This was something that become intertwined into the fabric of who they were as a people. They become the chosen race. This new national character was to be passed from generation to generation, to their children and children's children.

I have had the joy of passing on this essential fabric of faith to my children and now to my children's children. Praying with my grandchildren, as chaotic as it can be, is placing something in their hearts. It's heart surgery of the best kind.

Thank you Jesus for the gift of faith you have placed in my heart. Help me be an authentic teller of faith to my children and children's children.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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