Saturday, November 27, 2021

Spiritual Gym

Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to stand with confidence before the Son of Man.

Jesus is in the temple giving his final teachings before his passion and death. Like the Church at the end of the calendar year, Jesus' focus is firmly on what is to happen at the end of time and Day of Judgement. His appeal is to be ready and be strong.

"Pray for strength to survive" sounds a bit dramatic, but there it is. Jesus clearly says times will be tough and the weak in faith will fall. The Church is my spiritual gym, the place where I work out to stay fit and strong in my beliefs. Like physical training, it is easier when I do it with others. I need the people in my parish to push me further up and further in. 

Thank you Jesus for my faith community. Bless them Lord. Help us to encourage each other in our spiritual exercises so we may be strong on the day of your return.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Friday, November 26, 2021

On the Winning Team

And I saw, coming on the clouds of heaven, one like a son of man. He came to the one of great age and was led into his presence. On him was conferred sovereignty, glory and kingship.

Daniel's apocalyptic vision finishes with the triumph of Jesus who is crowned and glorified for eternity.

It's good to be reminded I'm on the winning team. Our captain is triumphant and his glories are shared with us. Things may look uncertain, even bad, but that is not the end of the story. The end of the story is Jesus, my best friend, being crowned and glorified and with me sharing in his glory.

What a wonderful truth to take into my day. 

Jesus, I acknowledge again you as my Lord and King. May your kingdom come.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Thursday, November 25, 2021


And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand.

Jesus is explaining to his disciples the signs to look for that signal end times. There will be great tribulation but it is then that believers can be courageous and joyful, knowing liberation is just over the horizon.

This is what my source of joy is founded on, the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and glory. It puts a skip in my step. This is what drives me to evangelise my children, my grandchildren, anyone who will listen. 

This hope of glory I can carry into my day so I can be a joy-germ to all I encounter.

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus Come!
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Great Checkmate

Alleluia, alleluia!
Be faithful until death, says the Lord,
and I will give you the crown of life.

In John's apocalyptic vision Jesus is encouraging believers to not be afraid of suffering and persecution from the devil as faithfulness will be crowned with eternal life.

The end of the Church's year focuses starkly on end times. The message consistently says tough times will come but do not be afraid as Jesus has overcome even these days of trial. 

Jesus is the great checkmate.  His position as my resurrected King overcomes all opposition. This knowledge gives a peace and joy despite what is happening. The highs and lows of life do not affect this wonderful truth. This is the source of my joy today.

Thank you Jesus that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. I claim your victory over my life and the lives of my loved ones this day.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Death, Where is Your Victory?

Now he is God, not of the dead, but of the living; for to him all men are in fact alive.

Jesus is answering the Sadducees who don't believe in the resurrection and had tried trapping Jesus with a trick question about a widow marrying seven brothers. He says there is no marriage in heaven as everyone in heaven no longer dies.

Interestingly, Jesus is inferring that marriage is primarily for procreation, for bringing children into the world to carry on life. Consequently, in heaven where no one dies, marriage is not required. More importantly, Jesus is emphatic that there is a resurrection, there is life in heaven after death for those judged worthy. 

Is there life after death is one of the big questions for people. Not for believers. For us it's a given. It's my source of hope and joy. It's what drives me to bother evangelising at all. The fact that I will die does not worry me. How I will die could give concern, but even that I entrust to Jesus. 

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55

Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Friday, November 19, 2021

I am Known

Alleluia, alleluia! 
My sheep listen to my voice, says the Lord; 
I know them, and they follow me. 

Today's Gospel Acclamation has Jesus is in the temple telling the Jewish leaders they are not of his fold as they don't recognise his authority. Those who do believe in him are known to him and follow him to eternal life. 

Being called a sheep is normally a derogatory term, the inference being you are a mindless follower with no originality. Jesus turns that around saying those who are wise are sheep who follow him while the foolish stray, following their own paths. 

Sheep need a shepherd. I need a shepherd. Praise God for the Good Shepherd, the one who left the ninety-nine to find me a carry me home. When I listen to his voice, study his Word, Jesus knows me. How wonderful that I am not alone, that I am know and loved by God. 

Jesus, be my companion today. Know me as I follow you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Jesus Wept

...and all because you did not recognise your opportunity when God offered it!’

Jesus is weeping over Jerusalem, prophesying its destruction as the result of missing who he is and the salvation he offers.

Jesus must weep over New Zealand, a country that has retreated from its Christian heritage and turned its back on God. There is a generation now who have never had the Good News clearly presented to them, have never had an opportunity to even accept or deny who Jesus is. The message of peace must be proclaimed so hearers have a chance to understand it. 

I need to create opportunities for people to hear the message, starting with my own little Church, my grandchildren. 

Jesus, break my heart over the things that break yours. Give me a zeal to proclaim your Good News, your message of peace and joy.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Zacchaeus Principle

‘Zacchaeus, come down. Hurry, because I must stay at your house today.’ And he hurried down and welcomed him joyfully.

Zacchaeus the tax collector has climbed a tree in his eagerness to see Jesus. Jesus calls to him and invites himself into Zacchaeus' home where Zacchaeus joyfully welcomes him.

What is it that is so appealing about this story? I think it's the dramatic transformation of Zacchaeus. From a money grabbing, meanspirited outsider he becomes a generous, joyful son. In Jesus' own words, from being lost Zacchaeus is found.

This is "Belong, Believe, Behave" in action. Jesus enters Zacchaeus' home and eats with him, a powerful act of acceptance. Zacchaeus believes who Jesus is and then behaves like a believer, giving back to those he has cheated plus alms to the poor. The very area he was enslaved to, avarice, is where he is set free. 

This "Zacchaeus Principle" is how the Alpha Course works. Meet people where they are at with acceptance and belonging. Introduce Jesus to them for them to believe in. Then sit back and watch them change their own behavior to that of a believer. It's time to prepare for another alpha Course...

Jesus, as you have done in the past, draw people to me that will form an Alpha hosting team.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory; then too he will send the angels to gather his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the world to the ends of heaven.

Jesus is prophesying to his disciples the end of time and day of judgement to which all of the world will be subjected.

The Church is nearing the end of its calendar year and its focus is shifting to end times and what Jesus has to say about it. He has much to say. There will be a separating of sheep from goats. There will be everlasting joy and everlasting anguish. There will be no escaping.

It's a good reminder to keep one eye firmly fixed on the Day of Judgement, no matter how good or bad things appear at the moment. The goal is to be worthy of heaven and to make sure as many as possible join me. I can't earn my entry ticket but I can qualify.

Jesus, you show that love is the surest way to gain entry to heaven. Help me love those I meet today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Keep on Praying

Now will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them? I promise you, he will see justice done to them, and done speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?’

Jesus is explaining his parable of the Unjust Judge giving justice to the persistent widow. Persistent prayer moves God's hand but with a caveat. It must be powered by faith.

My daily prayer list is filled with petitions as yet unanswered. Some have been on the list for years, like prayer for the conversion of proudly atheist politicians as yet unrepentant. Today's reading encourages me to continue praying fervently with faith. Jesus has made a promise that justice will be achieved.

Lord Jesus, prayer of the faithful moves your hand. This is a great mystery that consoles and encourages me. Thank you Lord.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.



Friday, November 12, 2021

See the Signs

As it was in Noah’s day, so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man.

Jesus is teaching his disciples about the coming day of judgement, how it will arrive suddenly and catch out the unprepared.

I read yesterday the report of a terrible traffic accident where four people were killed when a van collided with a truck. None of the four would have thought when they got out of bed that day it would be their last. We all are going to die, we just don't know when.

Jesus' analogy used Noah in the Ark and Lot leaving Sodom. Noah and Lot recognised the signs of impending doom. They and their households alone were saved. The rest were busy eating, drinking, being too distracted by temporal pleasures to notice spiritual warnings.

The temporal shouts loudly in my ears. I need this regular quiet time to hear God.

Jesus, give me wisdom and perception to see the signs so I may save my household. 
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Foot Soldier

The coming of the kingdom of God does not admit of observation and there will be no one to say, “Look here! Look there!” For, you must know, the kingdom of God is among you.

Answering the Pharisee's question on the coming of God's Kingdom, Jesus says it's not to be revealed just to a chosen few to direct others. God's Kingdom is already here to be perceived by all those with eyes to see. 

God's Kingdom here on earth is being fought for and claimed by the Church Militant while God's Kingdom in heaven is occupied by the Church Triumphant. My role while here on earth is one of a soldier, fighting in my family, my parish, my workplace for God's Kingdom to come. 

I step into today a foot soldier ready to fight.

Jesus, you are my commander. Be at my side directing me in battle so your kingdom my come, your will be done.
Saint Michael the Archangel, protect me in the day of battle. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A Life-giving Drop

Wherever the river flows, all living creatures teeming in it will live. Fish will be very plentiful, for wherever the water goes it brings health, and life teems wherever the river flows.

In Ezekiel's great vision he is shown the River of Life flowing out from the Temple that houses God. The river brings life and health to everything it touches. 

Today is the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, the oldest church in the western world and the mother church for all Catholics. The analogy of the reading from Ezekiel is clear. From the Church is a flow of life giving water. 

I am a drop in that river of life. Where ever I go today I am to bring health and life.

Jesus, you are the source of all life. You came to bring life in its fullness. Make me a conduit for your life giving waters today.
Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, please pray for me.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Unity and Courage

Greetings to my friend Epaenetus, the first of Asia’s gifts to Christ; greetings to Mary who worked so hard for you; to those outstanding apostles Andronicus and Junias...

Paul finishes has mammoth letter to the Church of Rome with a litany of greetings to friends and fellow Christian workers.

Fellowship, fraternity and love were outstanding characteristics of the early Church. The fledgling Church in Rome was comprised of Jewish and pagan converts, each with their own prejudices yet a unifying fraternity held them together.

My local parish is very diverse, with families from all around the world filling the pews. Even the European Kiwis are a diverse bunch, yet our commonality is our faith in Jesus. 

The COVID pandemic has caused some disunity and fear within the Church. This is the work of Satan. I need to be intentional in promoting unity and courage, the more natural Christian response.

Jesus, you are the source of our unity. Help me be an agent of unity and courage today.
Saint Paul, please pray for me.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Win WIn Win

The master praised the dishonest steward for his astuteness. For the children of this world are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are the children of light.

Jesus is finishing the parable of the shrewd manager who is a man who uses his last acts of authority to dispense mercy.

This is an interesting parable. The fact that the steward is acting in crafty self interest is brushed aside. The spotlight falls on his acts of mercy where he reduces the indebtedness of others to levels they can manage. It's better than win win. 

The Master is set to reclaim at least some of what would have been a lost debt. The debtors are given a path out of their indebtedness. The steward gains friends for his time of impending need. It's a win win win result.

Mercy is like that. Everybody wins. Where can I dispense mercy today?

Jesus, your mercies are new every morning. Help me be a conduit of mercy today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Thursday, November 4, 2021


The Pharisees and the scribes complained. ‘This man’ they said ‘welcomes sinners and eats with them.’

Jesus welcomes tax collectors and sinners. The resulting indignation among the Pharisees and Scribes prompts Jesus to tell his famous parable of the lost sheep.

The Pharisees and Scribes can't see that their complaint is actually a proclamation of good news. Yes, Jesus welcomes sinners. Alleluia! This is good news because it means Jesus welcomes me. 

Satan's biggest lie is that I am unworthy, miserably lost in my sinfulness. The truth given in today's Gospel is that, while I am unworthy, I am never lost. Jesus has set off and found me. He carries me home across his shoulders and calls for a party to celebrate. 

Along with the tax collectors and sinners, I rejoice in this good news today.

You rescued me, and picked me up 
A living hope, of grace revealed 
A life transformed, in righteous 
Oh Lord, you have rescued me 
Forgiving me, you healed my heart 
And set me free, from sin and death 
You brought me life, 
you've made me whole 
Oh Lord you have rescued me

Geoff Bullock

Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Loose Weight

If any man comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be my disciple. Anyone who does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Jesus is being mobbed by an adulating crowd, so he sets a challenge before them to test their resolve. Don't bother following me unless you are prepared to give up everything.

Jesus isn't a fad or a sideshow. He demands all or nothing. Possessions and even people can get in the way, be an encumbrance to becoming a disciple. This is challenging. I like things and I like people, especially their high opinion. 

When I look at the lives of the saints, or even saintly people I have met, there is a simplicity in their lifestyle. Things just aren't that important to them, where as Jesus is. 

Where can I simplify my life, cut away the baggage? And how can I do that? It's a "less of me, more of him" thing. It's time to loose weight.

Holy Spirit, help me loose weight, shed unimportant stuff that weighs me down and doesn't lift me up.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

He Has Risen!

All Souls Day

There is no need for alarm. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: he has risen, he is not here.

An angel is speaking to Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome who had come to anoint Jesus body in the tomb. Theirs are the ears to first hear the Good News, "He has risen!"

My mother and father both died professing faith in Jesus. I know the grave isn't the end of their stories, that we will meet again and great will be our joy. Today's Psalm is Psalm 23, read at both their funerals. The promised green pastures and still waters are being enjoyed by them now. 

The joyful trust in God that Saint Paul wrote about to the Roman Church is mine today. Death where is your sting, grave where is your victory.

Jesus, the Good News of your death and resurrection gives me great joy today. Thank you Lord for creating a way back home.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.