Friday, November 30, 2018

Hear and Proclaim

But they will not ask his help unless they believe in him, and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him, and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher, and they will never have a preacher unless one is sent.

Saint Paul describes how faith is spread. A preacher is sent, they hear the Word preached. They believe. They ask for help to confess Jesus is Lord. Then they are saved.

Faith can come by two ways. Hearing the word preached by man, hearing the word preached by creation. Faith came both ways for me and continues to come both ways. I am encouraged by preaching.  I am inspired by creation, by the fingerprints of God. Either way it is a gift.

Today I can both hear God's word through creation and proclaim God's word through my mouth.

Lord Jesus, help me hear and proclaim your word today.
Saint Andrew, please pray for me.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lift Your Head

'And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand.’

Jesus is prophesying the end of time. As unbelievers "die with fear" at the destruction of the world, those invited to the wedding feast will stand with eagerness, looking forward to their liberation.

The final judgement will be final. Some being left behind not a popular message.  Yes, God wants all to be saved but his word says some won't. This gives impetus to my need to make sure many will "be there" when it counts, starting with my own family.

Jesus my Lord, help me be a fervent witness to you today that more may come to know and love you.
Teresa of Avila, please pray for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Grapes of Wrath

Put your sickle in and cut all the bunches off the vine of the earth; all its grapes are ripe.’ So the angel set his sickle to work on the earth and harvested the whole vintage of the earth and put it into a huge wine-press, the wine-press of God’s anger.

John describes his vision of the judgement to occur at the end of time. The grapes are subjected to the wrath of God.

A wines-press is a method of separating the desired juice from the unwanted flesh and skins of the grapes. God's anger is to apply the pressure. Blood will flow.

The Church is reminding me very clearly of the old message given at parish missions. I have only one life to live, one death to die, one destination to reach. Is it to be heaven or hell?

How I live out today will have eternal consequences on the destination  I reach. I vote for heaven...

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Monday, November 26, 2018


"...but she from the little she had has put in all she had to live on." 

Jesus observes the wealthy and the poor contributing money to the temple treasury. He is impressed the most by the widow who gave the least.

There's a young mum at Mass whose husband is not Catholic. She brings her four young children by herself each Sunday. Being typical young children some Sundays they are models of behaviour, some Sundays they're not. But there she is every Sunday. In some ways the young mum is a widow and she's putting in all she has. She impresses me.

What I can "put in" depends on the circumstance. It changes daily. The thing that impresses Jesus is not the amount. It's the generosity of heart. Today there will be opportunities for me to be generous.

Lord Jesus, you know how tight-fisted I can be. Help me have a generous heart with those I meet today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Favourable Time

As Jesus drew near Jerusalem and came in sight of the city he shed tears over it... 'all because you did not recognise your opportunity when God offered it!’

Jesus is approaching Jerusalem to the acclaim of the ordinary people. He weeps over Jerusalem, prophesying its destruction all because its leaders failed to recognise God's opportunity.

Opportunity... a favourable time. It appears there are favourable times to grasp what God is offering. Times can be missed, like missing a bus. The leaders of Jerusalem missed God in Jesus through pride, jealousy, ambition, fear. What blinds me to God's favourable times? Probably much the same.

The antidotes are virtues of humility, peacefulness, modesty and courage. These are door openers to God. Let me practice them today.

Lord Jesus, I do not want to miss God through my worldly obsessions. I open my door to you today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cast My Crown

‘You are our Lord and our God, you are worthy of glory and honour and power, because you made all the universe and it was only by your will that everything was made and exists.’

John is describing his prophetic revelation of what is to happen at the end of time.  God's magnificence is shown by the twenty-four elders prostrating, casting their crowns before him and declaring who he is.

As I sit here I'm looking out on a glorious spring morning, the grass looking verdant in a fresh golden sunshine. God's will has created this moment for me. I cast my crown before him crying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who has created all that exists".

Thank you Father in Heaven for this beauty before me. Your love is evident in what you have created. I bow before you.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Come Down From Your Tree

When Jesus reached the spot he looked up and spoke to him: ‘Zacchaeus, come down. Hurry, because I must stay at your house today.’ And he hurried down and welcomed him joyfully.

Zacchaeus was a wealthy man through extortion as a tax collector. Being short, he climbs a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Jesus wants to give Zacchaeus more than a glimpse. He wants to save him.

I love this story. It's so full of trivial detail that you know it's authentic. Jesus stopping and identifying with one sinful man amongst the crowd encourages me to believe that of all humanity Jesus wants to spend time with me, "stay at my house".

And Zacchaeus' response is authentic. He welcomes Jesus joyfully, not caring about the rebukes of the people. Jesus must have known his heart was ripe for conversion. Suddenly the hoarded gold is not important as he pledges restitution by giving it away. Beautiful!

Zacchaeus climbed the tree from his own effort. Jesus called him down, called him away from all his striving to be big and gave him a big heart instead. Oh, there's so much for me to learn from this...

Lord Jesus, you know what a tree-climber I am. I come down to you Lord, that you may stay with me. 
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Band of Brothers

I know you have been deprived of Onesimus for a time, but it was only so that you could have him back for ever, not as a slave any more, but something much better than a slave, a dear brother;
Philemon 15,16

Paul is writing to Philemon, pleading for his runaway slave Onesimus. The common ground for all three men is Jesus.

A rich man, a prisoner and a slave are are brought together in this drama. The solution to their problem is Jesus. In fact Jesus is more than just a solution, he is the way to glory for each of these men in the midst of their earthly problem.

What appears an insolvable and polarising problem becomes a source a great joy. The world would call Paul a dreamer, Philemon a fool and Onisimus a brigand. Going against the flow and following Jesus brings these three disparate men together in a tight bond of brotherly love.

Christian fraternity is a great treasure. I need to cherish this today. Time to let my brothers know how much I value them.

How sweet and pleasant it is when the brothers come together in unity... for it is there the Lord will command a blessing.
Saint Francis, please pray for me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Good Leader Good Example

We must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world, while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the Appearing of the glory of our great God and saviour Christ Jesus.

Saint Paul writes to Titus giving instruction on leadership in the Church. Good leadership is based on good example.

Titus is to be the role model of good Christian life. If I am to fulfill my leadership in my "little church" my life must exemplify what I'm trying to teach. This time of teaching is a time of waiting for the ultimate destination of our lives; the glory of Jesus' return.

Self restraint, a good and religious life. These are my goals today.

Lord Jesus, restraint and goodness are not natural to me. Help me be an example of of virtuous living so my little church may meet you in your glory.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Search Party

The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and the scribes complained. ‘This man’ they said ‘welcomes sinners and eats with them.’

Jesus welcomes sinners into his company, gaining disapproval from the Pharisees. Jesus defends his actions by telling the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin.

This Gospel is always good news for me. I would have been one that the Pharisees would have rejected. Here Jesus is reminding me he would never reject me, that in fact he has set out in search of me. I'm the lost sheep draped across Jesus shoulders as he takes me back home. Oh wonderful fault that has me placed in such a glorious position.

This also challenges my response to sinners. There's an inner conversion that takes place in a person who is genuinely accepted where they are at. The change can only rise from within, not forced from outside. "Love the person not the sin" may sound like a platitude but it is a truth nonetheless. Who can I love today.

Lord Jesus, thank you for rescuing me. Help me be part of the search party for other lost sheep. Help me find them, accept them and rejoice as they come home.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

He is worth it

‘If any man comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be my disciple. Anyone who does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple'.

Jesus is telling the crowds there is a cost to be his disciple. He must be in first place or no place.

This is one of those "hard" passages from Jesus. What?  I must hate my family? It takes a second and third reading to get what he is saying. There is a cost. But count up the cost. I am worth it. I'm worth it not only for yourself but for those I am calling you to hate.

Radio Rhema announcers sometimes say, "Put Christ first and the rest will be OK". My day will have its highs and lows but if I put Christ first then all will be OK.

Lord Jesus, I often acknowledge you with my lips then walk out and deny you by my lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. Forgive me Lord. Help me place you first in my life today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Right Mix

When the time for the banquet came, he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, “Come along: everything is ready now.” But all alike started to make excuses.

Jesus is telling the parable of the Great Banquet as an allegory to the feast at the end of time in the Kingdom of God. In the parable, those originally invited are no longer worthy to attend.

The Church is nearing the end of its calendar year and it's view is becoming more eschatological. End of time is more the focal point of the daily readings. In today's Gospel Jesus highlights the danger of becoming too worldly. The "excuses" of life can become so great that they can exclude me from what is meant to be my final destiny, sitting at the heavenly banquet.

I'm in the world but not of it. There are worldly things I need to engage in to provide for my family but they're not the main focus of my life. The antidote is having the right mix. This morning prayer time is adding the right perspective to my life today. Attending Mass would add more of the right flavour as well. Let's schedule that in today...

Lord Jesus, I am easily seduced by the world and its demands. I want more of you in the mix of my life.
Saint Thomas Moore, please pray for me.