Friday, March 1, 2019

Faithful Friends

A faithful friend is a sure shelter, whoever finds one has found a rare treasure. A faithful friend is something beyond price, there is no measuring his worth. A faithful friend is the elixir of life, and those who fear the Lord will find one. Whoever fears the Lord makes true friends, for as a man is, so is his friend.Ecl.6:14-17

Solomon writes of the value of a faithful friend, one who is faithful to his friend and faithful to God.

I am not meant to be a Lone Ranger in life, alone and isolated. Friendship is worth carefully seeking. Life is so much the richer when shared with good friends.

I meet with three other men on a regular basis for support, encouragement and prayer. Some I have been meeting for decades now. I count them as my "3:00am friends", those guys I could call at 3:00 am asking for help and they would come.

I'm blessed.  need to thank these men for their friendship. Today...

Jesus, even you sought out friendship. Thank you for the gift of my friends. Help me be a faithful friend to them.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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