Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tender and Compassionate

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! With all your heart turn to me, for I am tender and compassionate. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!   Gospel Acclamation, Joel 2:12-13

God calls for a complete conversion of the heart, showing his tender and compassionate nature to welcome us back.

There's always this gap between God and me. I'm here in my brokeness, God is there in his perfection. But the constant initiative from him is to call me back, call me up, call me further in. I'm inexorably drawn to him by his tenderness and compassion. Who can resist it?

This turning back is an inside-out thing, not outside-in. It comes from the heart and that's the way God wants it. There's no big stick, just a calling for a conversation of my heart, all of my heart. This affects everything I do. It's a calling home, the place of peace and joy.

Father, I confess again my brokeness. Help me as I stumble my way back to you. Let your mercy triumph over judgement. Oh change my heart O God!
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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