Friday, March 29, 2019


'To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any holocaust or sacrifice.’ Jesus, seeing how wisely he had spoken, said, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’   Mk.12:33

Jesus has just answered a Scribe who asked which of the commandments is the greatest. Love God and love others is Jesus' reply. The Scribe agrees and Jesus tells him he is not far from paradise.

The words above could be taken as Jesus' words, but they're not. They're spoken by the Scribe, one of a group normally opposed to Jesus. The Scribe is recognised by Jesus as one who has spoken wisely.

The words a man speaks says much about his heart. Today I should consider more carefully what I say. My words will either show me a fool or wise.

Lord Jesus, I want to be seen as wise by you. Help me change my heart so that what I speak will be pleasing to you.
Little Flower, please pray for me. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tender and Compassionate

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! With all your heart turn to me, for I am tender and compassionate. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!   Gospel Acclamation, Joel 2:12-13

God calls for a complete conversion of the heart, showing his tender and compassionate nature to welcome us back.

There's always this gap between God and me. I'm here in my brokeness, God is there in his perfection. But the constant initiative from him is to call me back, call me up, call me further in. I'm inexorably drawn to him by his tenderness and compassion. Who can resist it?

This turning back is an inside-out thing, not outside-in. It comes from the heart and that's the way God wants it. There's no big stick, just a calling for a conversation of my heart, all of my heart. This affects everything I do. It's a calling home, the place of peace and joy.

Father, I confess again my brokeness. Help me as I stumble my way back to you. Let your mercy triumph over judgement. Oh change my heart O God!
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tell the Children

Do not forget the things your eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your heart all the days of your life; rather, tell them to your children and to your children’s children.    Duet.4:9
Moses is about to die and the Jewish nation is about to cross the Jordan into the promised land. Moses gives the people the Law is told to him by God.

The Jewish people had just wandered forty years in the desert. They had seen God as a pillar of smoke by day and a tower of flame by night. They had seen water come from a rock, manna fall from heaven, their enemies supernaturally defeated. In short they had seen God's love for them at work.

This was something that become intertwined into the fabric of who they were as a people. They become the chosen race. This new national character was to be passed from generation to generation, to their children and children's children.

I have had the joy of passing on this essential fabric of faith to my children and now to my children's children. Praying with my grandchildren, as chaotic as it can be, is placing something in their hearts. It's heart surgery of the best kind.

Thank you Jesus for the gift of faith you have placed in my heart. Help me be an authentic teller of faith to my children and children's children.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Power of Yes

‘I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ said Mary ‘let what you have said be done to me.’    Lk.1:38

The Annunciation of the Lord - Solemnity

 The Angel Gabriel has just announced God's plan of salvation of the world to Mary who is to play a crucial part. Mary trusts God and says yes.

Out of all of history this is the big moment, the crucial moment. Will the young Jewish girl say yes? All of heaven must have held its breath. Mary's fiat, her yes, would have released shouts of joy throughout heaven and groans of despair in hell. Now Jesus' birth was assured, the cross was to be made ready, the tombstone hewed so it could be rolled away, wheat grown to form bread, the grapes planted to make wine. All is measured from this point forward.

Mary's yes echoes down through the ages and has its affect on me today. Her baby has become my Lord, my Saviour, my source of hope and joy. My life is centered around the result of Mary's yes. Today is a good day to thank her for this.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. 
Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Unforgiving Brother

The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and the scribes complained. ‘This man’ they said ‘welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ So he spoke this parable to them: ‘A man had two sons...'
People from "the wrong side of the tracks" are crowding towards Jesus as they sense he has good news for them. The Pharisees complain. To show their error Jesus tells his famous parable of the prodigal son.

I've heard it said this parable should more accurately be called the parable of the unforgiving brother. This was the main point of Jesus' story. He was addressing the Pharisees and their lack of compassion towards the broken people of their times.

In the parable the older brother sees himself as a slave to his father. He refuses to name his brother as such, calling him "your son". He is complaining and aggrieved at his father's benevolent generosity, just as the Pharisees are complaining and aggrieved at Jesus' generosity and love towards the tax collectors and sinners.

This is both good news for me and a warning for me. The good news is that Jesus' love for me is as high as the heavens are above earth. The warning is for the little Pharisee within me that complains and is aggrieved when seeing God's love and compassion for those outside the fold.

Jesus, forgive for the times I have been judgemental of those who don't live the way I do, who are different. Help me see all people as you do, souls in need of love and acceptance, souls who need to hear your good news. 
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Evil into Good

Israel loved Joseph more than all his other sons, for he was the son of his old age, and he had a coat with long sleeves made for him. But his brothers, seeing how his father loved him more than all his other sons, came to hate him...    Gen.37:3-4
Israel's favouritism for Joseph incites jealousy in his brothers who grow to hate him.

The stage is set for evil to be executed but God turns that evil into good. Joseph's slavery in Egypt eventually leads to the salvation of all God's people in time of famine.

Unspeakable evil has been executed in New Zealand just one week ago now. We are still in shock and asking how this could have happened. That's a good question and it needs to be asked. But today is a day of mourning.

The black cloud over our nation is starting to grow a silver lining. Grief, compassion and love for our Muslim community is growing. People are demonstrating more unity than I have ever seen before. What was intended to divide is having the opposite effect. Evil is being turned into good.

A high price has been paid for this good. Fifty innocent lives. The good must be enshrined, galvanised into the new fabric that is being weaved into the character of who we are as New Zealanders. Today I will go to Mass and pray then stand outside our local Mosque while the are at prayer. They are us. We are them.

Lord Jesus, heal our nation. We are in pain from the assault of evil. Be our strength, our unity, our peace, our love.
Saint Peter Chanel, pray for us.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Generous Heart

Happy are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.    Lk.8:15

Today's Gospel acclamation is taken from Jesus' parable of the sower. The seed falling on good soil is the happy person who hears the word of God and is generous in applying it.

Happiness. We all seek it. Here we are given the way of obtaining it. Hear God's word and be generous in applying it.

My wife is good at generosity. She can cheerfully place an envelope stuffed with $20 notes under the windscreen wiper on the car of a needy family. The other night she organised for us to pray with a dieing man in our parish. It was the last thing I felt like at the end of a busy day at work. The man's wife was so grateful.

Lent is the perfect time to be generous in applying God's word. It's the time for a generous heart.

Lord Jesus, generosity doesn't come naturally to me. Help me change my hand from grasping to giving, then happiness is mine.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Father Abraham

That is why what fulfils the promise depends on faith, so that it may be a free gift and be available to all of Abraham’s descendants, not only those who belong to the Law but also those who belong to the faith of Abraham who is the father of all of us.    Rms.4:16
Saint Paul highlights that the blessing of faith is a free gift to all who belong to the faith of Abraham.

We are grieving at the slaughter of fifty Muslims in Christchurch who were practicing their gift of faith in prayer. Today's second reading is a reminder of our connection with the Muslim community. Abraham is the father of faith for both Muslims and Christians as well as Jews. We are family.

I have witnessed a number of vigils for the fifty dead. The common theme is an outpouring of compassion and love for the New Zealand Muslim community. I have joined others in weeping with them. Our hearts have been broken and this has made us softer towards each other. What was intended as evil and disunity has birthed something beautiful and good, something that is drawing us closer together than we were before last Friday.

A high price has been paid for this new unity. I will treasure it.

Father in heaven, you are the creator of us all. Help us rid ourselves of suspicion, fear and hatred. Help us to be bold in loving one another. 
Little Flower, please pray for us.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Mercy Triumphs over Judgement

If the wicked man renounces all the sins he has committed, respects my laws and is law-abiding and honest, he will certainly live; he will not die. All the sins he committed will be forgotten from then on; he shall live because of the integrity he has practised.    Ez.18:21,22

God announces through the prophet Ezekiel that wickedness is forgotten once a sinner repents and starts practicing righteousness.

Oh this is such good news. Fullness of life can be mine no matter what my past has been. The process is repent of my sins then practice virtue. Then fullness of life is mine.

This reminds me of the saying, "Good people don't get to heaven, only forgiven people do". Something essential and sacred happens when I confess. After a good confession, practicing virtue becomes a "want to", not a "have to".

Time to go see the man with the purple stole...

Lord Jesus,  I come to you and praise you, for your mercy triumphs over judgement. 
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

But wait... there's More!

Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.    Mt.7:7

Jesus is giving his Sermon on the Mount, defining the life of a believer. He encourages asking, seeking, knocking to show faith is never static, is always pushing forward, always growing.

This Easter will mark thirty years since I was received into the Church. It was the result of me asking, seeking and finally knocking on the door of the Church. However, like the TV advertisement says... "But wait, there's more! It'll improve your marriage, it'll make you fly around!"

Well, maybe not the last boast but certainly there is more. This what makes my faith so exciting. There's never a time to sit back and say, "Well, I've got it all. That's all there is". There's always more. God is infinite and my understanding is very finite. Today is a good time to again ask, seek, knock.

Jesus, you know my laziness, my natural drift for the status quo. Rekindle the fire of my first love and insatiable thirst for you.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lift me Up

The word of the Lord was addressed a second time to Jonah: ‘Up!’ he said ‘Go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach to them as I told you to.’ Jonah set out and went to Nineveh in obedience to the word of the Lord.    Jon:3:1-3

After being spewed up on the beach by a large fish, Jonah is given his marching orders a second time. This time he obeys.

When Jonah first heard God's command he ran away. In running from God Jonah went down to the coast, down into the bilge of a boat, down into the ocean depths and down into the belly of a whale. I see a constant here... down.

Once Jonah repents inside the whale his life takes a new direction, up onto the beach, up into Nineveh, up into the very palace of the king.

There's a lesson here. Don't run from God because that leads to disaster. Do be obedient to God as that leads to transformation and conversion. Speak Lord, your servant is listening....

Jesus, sometimes you call me to do what I'd rather not do. Help me trust you more at these times, knowing that you always want to lift me up, up, up....
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Lord's Prayer

Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. So you should pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be held holy.....'    Mt.6:8,9

Jesus is teaching the disciples how to pray. He gives the Lord's Prayer as prayers finest example.

After a lifetime of atheism my ninety two year old mother had a conversion to Christ on her deathbed. I was privileged to witness her declaration of faith. She did it by reciting the Lord's Prayer.

What a beautiful first prayer for a new believer. She acknowledged God in heaven, calling his name holy, desired his kingdom come, asked him for sustenance, confessed her sins and asked for forgiveness, asked for protection from temptation and deliverance from Satan.

Jesus gave a great treasure when he gave us this prayer. It will be my mantra for today.

Thank you Jesus for the gift of your prayer. Help me live it out today.
Mum, please pray for me.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Listen More Speak Less

May the spoken words of my mouth,  the thoughts of my heart,win favour in your sight, O Lord,  my rescuer, my rock!     Ps.18:15
The psalmist has just written fourteen verses extolling God's Word is Spirit and light. He then finishes by focussing on his own words, pleading that they may be pleasing to God.

Powerful things words. They can build up or tear down, encourage or discourage, convey love or convey hate. I have a problem with my words. They often get spoken more with me in mind than the listener. I speak to be proven right rather than speak to build others up.

Speech is one of those things where less is more. As it is written in Proverbs, "Better to be silent and appear wise than speak and be proven a fool". Today would be a good day for me to fast on speech.

Lord, you know my propensity towards too much speaking and not enough listening. Help me focus more on others and less on me.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

It's Time to Party

Jesus noticed a tax collector, Levi by name, sitting by the customs house, and said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And leaving everything he got up and followed him. In his honour Levi held a great reception in his house...     Lk.5:27-29

Jesus calls Matthew the tax collector and Matthew immediately gets up and follows. Matthew's joy of conversion is celebrated by a massive party held in his house.

That would have been some party! All of Matthew's mates were there and I'd imagine, being from the wrong side of the tracks, they'd be people who knew how to party. Jesus was in the thick of it and enjoying it, so much so that he defended the partying crowd from the criticism of the Pharisees. 

I love this story. It's very human and earthy. It highlights who Jesus came for; earthy, real, authentic, imperfect people. People like me. It's time to party!

Thank you Jesus for calling me out of the mud and mire. You are the source of my hope and joy.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Cheerful Fasting

But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them, and then they will fast.   Mt.9:15

John's disciples are perplexed about why Jesus' disciples do not fast. Jesus replies, "Oh, they'll fast alright but not until it's due season".

Lent is the season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. As the jokes says... Well now, the prayer I don't mind.... Fasting and almsgiving are contrary to my human nature. They both involve denial of self. This is exactly why they are both so good for me.

Already the fasting is a struggle this Lent and the almsgiving hasn't even started. Time to refocus.

Lord Jesus, help me approach this Lent with the joy of abandonment. Let me be a joyful giver and a cheerful faster.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Retirement Plan

If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it.   Lk.9:23,24

Jesus foretells his passion, death and resurrection and then invites us to follow him. The invitation is unappealing until the last verse. "But anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it".

Jesus only makes sense from an eschatological view point, a view of the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Up until end times, it's all about carrying a cross, about being last not first, about denial and humility. All this is contrary to the world's call.

But oh the retirement plan! Eternity in heaven. Keeping this in mind brings a great joy to the cross  I carry, to the denial, to the placing of others before me. What a great way to enter Lent....

Lord Jesus, I pick up my cross and follow you. Thank you for the joy you give in return.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Attitude of Gratitude

Pay your sacrifice of thanksgiving to God and render him your votive offerings. A sacrifice of thanksgiving honours me and I will show God’s salvation to the upright.    Ps.49:14,23

The psalmist describes how to approach and be received by God. A attitude of gratitude is a wonderful way to enter the day. God says it's an offering he will always receive with pleasure.

When I'm grateful for what I have received it seems to make me more gracious to others and more joyful. It stops me from becoming self centered, mean spirited and judgemental.  It puts the world in right perspective. God is God and I am his son, his beloved son.

No matter what today brings I have much to thank God for.

Thank you Jesus for all you have done and have given me. I receive your gifts of faith, hope and love today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Gaze of Love

Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him, and he said, ‘There is one thing you lack...'    Mk.10:21

The rich young man has just verified all the virtues Jesus listed as necessary to enter God's kingdom. Jesus loves him and points out the one area he has yet to surrender. His wealth.

This young man was more pious than me, yet Jesus found something still lacking. I like to think that was not the end of the young man's story, that he went away and wrestled with that area in his life and came back victorious.  What gives me that spin on the story? The words "Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him".

Anyone who comes to know the love Jesus has for them personally has the power to be transformed. That has certainly been my experience.

Lent is coming. There are more than one "things I lack". Now is the time for me to refocus on the love Jesus has for me so I can be transformed.

Lord Jesus, I receive your love. I confess my lack. Help me divest of everything that keeps me from you. I love you Lord.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Be a Child

I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ Then he put his arms round them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing.   Mk.10:15,16

Jesus has rebuked the disciples for preventing children from approaching him. He confirms again his preference for the weak and small by elevating children as a model for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of God.

As I observe my grandchildren I am amazed at how early they start being naughty. From their first rebellious "No!" when they can first speak, original sin is there. But they have no malice, no pride. Their bad behaviour is over in a flash and they get on with life. They aren't intentionally bad and that's where their innocence lies.

There is much my grandchildren can teach me about humility and purity of heart. I need to be a good learner if I want to enter God's kingdom.

Lord Jesus, I want to be child-like so that you can put your arms around me, lay your hands on me  and bless me.
Little Flower, please pary for me.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Faithful Friends

A faithful friend is a sure shelter, whoever finds one has found a rare treasure. A faithful friend is something beyond price, there is no measuring his worth. A faithful friend is the elixir of life, and those who fear the Lord will find one. Whoever fears the Lord makes true friends, for as a man is, so is his friend.Ecl.6:14-17

Solomon writes of the value of a faithful friend, one who is faithful to his friend and faithful to God.

I am not meant to be a Lone Ranger in life, alone and isolated. Friendship is worth carefully seeking. Life is so much the richer when shared with good friends.

I meet with three other men on a regular basis for support, encouragement and prayer. Some I have been meeting for decades now. I count them as my "3:00am friends", those guys I could call at 3:00 am asking for help and they would come.

I'm blessed.  need to thank these men for their friendship. Today...

Jesus, even you sought out friendship. Thank you for the gift of my friends. Help me be a faithful friend to them.
Little Flower, please pray for me.