Saturday, March 19, 2022

Foundational Faith

The promise of inheriting the world was not made to Abraham and his descendants on account of any law but on account of the righteousness which consists in faith. That is why what fulfils the promise depends on faith, so that it may be a free gift and be available to all of Abraham’s descendants.

Faith, or belief, are laid by Saint Paul's letter to the Roman Church as one of the foundations of Christianity and it is freely available to all.

Before entering the Church I wondered what Catholics meant when they often talked about "the faith". They would say things like "she practices the faith" or "he has lost the faith". WHen I gained faith in Jesus I understood what they meant. 

C S Lewis states that the outworking of Christianity is through baptism, belief (faith) and Holy Mass. Faith is free and it is foundational if I want to claim fulfilment of the promises of God.

Today the Church lifts up Saint Joseph, a great role model of a man of faith.

Yes Jesus, I believe. I place my trust in you. 
Saint Joseph please pray for me.

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