Wednesday, April 20, 2022

What I Have I will Give

Peter said, ‘I have neither silver nor gold, but I will give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!’ 

Peter and John encounter a cripple begging at the entrance to the temple. The Beggar asks for a few coins. Peter gives him a new life.

The resurrection power of Jesus is starting to flow through the Church. The name of Jesus invoked by Peter is enough to make a cripple miraculously jump up and start leaping and dancing and praising God. 

The same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead lives in me (Rms.8:11). This is what I have and what I can give to those begging for a new life that I meet today, in Jesus' mighty name.

Holy Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead, rise up in me that I can give new life to others so they may leap and dance and praise God.
Saint Philip Neri, pray for me.

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