Thursday, January 20, 2022


Alleluia, alleluia! 
Our Saviour Jesus Christ has done away with death 
and brought us life through his gospel. 

Today's Gospel Acclamation quotes from 2Tim.1:10. Jesus has conquered death by bringing eternal life. How? Through the good news he has created.

People die. Where is this life Saint Paul raves about? Obviously it's not life in this world, it's life in the next. There's the rub. The Good News of Jesus is based on delayed gratification. Or is it...?

I've  been on both sides of the faith fence and I far prefer living the life of a believer. It makes me an optimist which is not a bad worldview to start your day. As an unbeliever my world was tiny. It circled around me and what I thought could make me happy. The Gospel has me placing others happiness before my own. Suddenly my world expands and has meaning and purpose. I am given a glimpse of what eternal life could be like. This is real living.

Jesus, your Gospel, your good news, is the very air I breathe today. Thank you for bringing me life.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us. 


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