Friday, January 21, 2022

Gold from Clay

Jesus went up into the hills and summoned those he wanted. So they came to him and he appointed twelve; they were to be his companions and to be sent out to preach, with power to cast out devils.

Jesus appoints the twelve Apostles who are to be his core team in ministry. They are made up of a cross section of broken humanity yet Jesus used them to change the world.

From Peter the sandpile through the hotheads James and John to Judas the betrayer, this is hardly an A-team but Jesus treats them as one. He sets high expectations and responsibilities, sending them out on their own mission trips. 

Barring Judas, each of the apostles become saints. Jesus didn't focus on their brokenness, he encouraged and drew forth their strengths, a great lesson in team building. It's also a model on how I should see myself. Satan wants me to stop at the stinking pile of my brokenness. Jesus wants me to step over that and move further up and further in to him. Starting today...

Thank you Jesus that you see past my failures and call me into the successes you see in me. Help me to see myself, and others, as you do.... a potential saint.
Saint Agnes, please pray for me.



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