Thursday, June 9, 2022

Love so it Hurts

Alleluia, alleluia! 
I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you. 

Today's Gospel Acclamation proclaims Jesus' great clarion call. Love as I have loved.

What is so new about this commandment to love? Surely people have been called to love since the beginning of time? The answer lies in the last four words... "as I have loved you." Jesus' love is sacrificial, is universal, is constant, is given without counting the cost, is life-giving and hurt him to the point of death.

There are people in my day that I find difficult to love. Some are unlovely. None are unlovable. I am called to love as Jesus loves me with my warts and all. I am to love so it hurts.

Jesus, I struggle to love as you love. Fill me with more of your love so it may overflow into the lives of those I meet today. 
Saint Philip Neri please pray for us.

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