Saturday, July 30, 2022

Tell Jesus

John’s disciples came and took the body and buried it; then they went off to tell Jesus.

John the Baptist has just been beheaded by King Herod. John's disciples retrieve his body and then go immediately to inform Jesus of what has happened to his cousin.

In their grief, John's disciples first thought was to go to Jesus. To whom else could they turn? There's something in the sharing of grief with Jesus that starts a healing process. John wasn't raised from the dead like Lazarus but Jesus puts things in perspective. It wasn't the end of John's story.

When good or bad happens in my life it's good for me to go tell Jesus. He wants to be part of my life. He puts it all in perspective. There is a bigger story than the one I'm writing here on earth. Jesus holds the pen for that bigger story. It's a story that ends well.

Thank you Jesus that you want me to share my highs and lows, that you want to walk along beside me. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

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