Saturday, May 7, 2022

To whom else shall we go?

Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God.’

Jesus has just uncompromisingly taught life only comes by eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Many found the teaching unacceptable and left him. Jesus asks the twelve, "what about you?" Peter gives another great statement of faith; "Lord to whom shall we go...?"

Tough times come when the Lord appears to be asleep in the boat. "Lord, do you not care we are about to drown!" It's tempting to think it's all improbable. That's when it's good to ask Peter's question. "Lord to whom else shall we go...?" The answer is, there is no one else. Jesus alone has the word of eternal life. It's at those times I need to look up and over my circumstances and keep my eyes on him. Trust brings peace.

Jesus, my boat is being thrown about a bit at the moment. I know you do care. I know you alone have the words of life. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us. 

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