Saturday, May 21, 2022

Respect Leadership

As they visited one town after another, they passed on the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem, with instructions to respect them. So the churches grew strong in the faith, as well as growing daily in numbers.

Paul and Silas are joined by Timothy. They continue their missionary journey, focussing on building up the new churches, passing on teaching and instruction from the Church leadership in Jerusalem. 

Right from the beginning the Church created lines of authority. The Apostles and elders in Jerusalem were trusted as the authentic source of instruction from God. When there were disagreements they didn't split away and start their own church as happens today. They went back to the leadership and thrashed it out until there was consensus. The result? The churches grew strong in faith and in numbers.

Do I want my parish to grow strong in faith and in numbers? Then respect the established line of authority. 

Jesus, you know how I want to do things my way and do them NOW! Help me be patient, respecting the teaching of leadership. Then my work will be blessed, giving increased faith and numbers.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

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