Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Door is Open

I tell you most solemnly, anything you ask for from the Father he will grant in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete.

Jesus encourages his disciples before his passion and death. He assures them, and me, that being a disciple opens a door into God the Father's presence where we can ask, receive and be joyful.

There seems to be three types of answers from God to my petitions; yes, no and not yet. I have to trust that all of these are the right answers. I can do that because Jesus tells us that God the Father loves us because we love his Son and believe in him (Jn.16:27). 

It comes back to belief and trust in what Jesus has promised. This gives me peace and joy, no matter what is going on in my life.

Thank you Jesus for being the doorway into the very throne room of God. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Joy Germ

You are sad now, but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be full of joy, and that joy no one shall take from you.

Jesus continues to encourage his disciples before his passion and death. Yes, there will be grief but it will be overcome by an everlasting joy.

Joy is the hallmark of an authentic Christian. Pope Francis has said the Church is too full of people with long faces looking like they're stuck in Lent, never reaching Easter. Yes, there is the Cross, a time for tears but we don't stay there. Hope calls us forward and that leads to joy.

I step into today with the promise of joy that no one shall take away.

Jesus, your word always ends with the promise of joy. Let me be a joy germ in my day today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Final Say

I tell you most solemnly, you will be weeping and wailing while the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.

Jesus prepares his disciples for his coming crucifixion. He promises that their sorrow will not be the end of the story. Joy will have the final say.

Despair is born of hopelessness. A Christian is never hopeless, no matter what the disaster that befalls. It couldn't be worse than watching one in whom you placed all your hope, dreams and love being nailed to a cross. Yet Jesus said that sort of sorrow in a believer is never the end. It will be turned into joy.

This is big picture stuff. Pain demands my immediate attention. Hope says look beyond and believe. Sorrow will come but it will turn into joy.

Thank you Jesus for calling me to not look down but to look up. My joy is founded on you my Rock.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

But wait, there's more!

I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now. But when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth.

Jesus is telling his disciples they will not be left alone when he is gone, that the Holy Spirit will be with them and guide them further up and further in. 

This is the great "But wait! There's more...". Jesus knew his death on the cross wasn't the end of the Church, it was just the beginning.  The Church was being left in very capable hands, the hands of the third person of the Blessed Trinity. 

Our parish is about to launch an online Alpha Course. The online bit is a first for us. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit...

Holy Spirit, give us guidance and wisdom as we reach out to people online, bringing them hope that only Jesus can give.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Come Holy Spirit

It is for your own good that I am going because unless I go, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you.

Jesus continues his final discourse to his disciples. He promises that his leaving will be good as it means the Holy spirit will then come to them.

Jesus is trying to convey that his coming death is not the end of the story. In fact, it is just the beginning. He makes the confusing, even outrageous claim that it is best for him to leave.  The disciples don't get the message, until Pentecost. Then the whole thing makes sense. 

I was blessed in being baptised in the Holy Spirit early in my Christian walk. I never had that period of uncertainty and confusion. I got the whole message from the start. Yielding to the Holy Spirit is not an optional extra. It's essential. 

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.


Sunday, May 22, 2022

I Believe

I have told you this now before it happens, so that when it does happen you may believe.

Jesus is giving final instructions to his disciples before his passion and death. Why? So they may believe.

C. S. Lewis wrote there are three things fundamental to the outworking of a Christian life... baptism, communion and belief. Jesus wants me to believe in him, to believe in his promises, to believe in his Word. 

I'm about to attend Mass. With belief I enter into a wonderful place where I confess, where I'm fed by his Word and where I recite the Creed proclaiming my belief and where I'm fed by his body. What a glorious place! What a glorious life.

Jesus, I believe in you and your promises for me. Thank you Lord.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Respect Leadership

As they visited one town after another, they passed on the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem, with instructions to respect them. So the churches grew strong in the faith, as well as growing daily in numbers.

Paul and Silas are joined by Timothy. They continue their missionary journey, focussing on building up the new churches, passing on teaching and instruction from the Church leadership in Jerusalem. 

Right from the beginning the Church created lines of authority. The Apostles and elders in Jerusalem were trusted as the authentic source of instruction from God. When there were disagreements they didn't split away and start their own church as happens today. They went back to the leadership and thrashed it out until there was consensus. The result? The churches grew strong in faith and in numbers.

Do I want my parish to grow strong in faith and in numbers? Then respect the established line of authority. 

Jesus, you know how I want to do things my way and do them NOW! Help me be patient, respecting the teaching of leadership. Then my work will be blessed, giving increased faith and numbers.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Friday, May 20, 2022


We hear that some of our members have disturbed you with their demands and have unsettled your minds. They acted without any authority from us.

Paul and Barnabas return from Jerusalem with a letter from the Apostles addressing concerns over demands being made of believers of pagan birth. The authority of the Apostles settles the matter and leaves the community in great joy.

The fledgling early Church has its first major disagreement over whether pagan believers need to be circumcised. Being made up of human beings this was bound to happen. The discord was resolved by the exercise of authority. 

Human nature needs to be under check. Zeal needs to be harnessed by wisdom. An army without lines of authority is doomed for defeat. The Church Militant is strong when its authority is observed and respected. Disunity among believers is what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable.

I need to come under the authority of my parish priest. As Major Winters said in the movie Band of Brothers, "You salute the rank not the man". I have plans I would like our parish involved in. I need to be patient and wait for his blessing.

Jesus, you declared the Centurion who described himself as a man under authority as having the greatest faith in all Israel. Help me also exercise faith by bowing under authority.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Just Keep on Loving

If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.

Jesus is giving final instruction to his disciples before his crucifixion. He zeros in on what his message has always been about... love. 

If I want a joyful life here is the key. Love. Love permeates every thought, word and action. There's nowhere it doesn't apply. How do I love? Keep Jesus' commandments. Where do I find these commandments so I can keep them? In scripture and in the Church, in other words, in a religious life. 

Like Dory in Finding Nemo famously says, "Just keep on swimming, swimming, swimming...", Jesus is saying, "Just keep on loving, loving, loving...". Today, joy is mine for the asking. Just keep on loving.

Thank you Jesus for your commandment to love. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh so I can keep on loving today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

He is de Vine, I am de Branch

I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing.

Jesus instructs his disciples just before his passion and death. He tells them to remain connected to him so they can bear much fruit. 

In Steve Green's classic song 'He'll take Care of the Rest' there's a great line... "Remember he is de vine, and you are de branch," When I remember that, all my insecurities and worries melt away. I stop focussing on what I can't do and start focussing on what Jesus can do. 

I've been holding off starting an Alpha Course this year because of the COVID pandemic which is continuing to rage. It's made the face to face Alpha Course less palatable. But we can run an online Alpha. Yes it will be different from what we've normally done but I keep hearing about what God is doing with online Alpha. I need to stop looking at the negatives and start focussing on the positives and simply do what I can. He is de vine, I am de branch. He'll take care of the rest. 

Lord Jesus, I reconnect with you today. Let me bear fruit in plenty.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Yoke of Peace

Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

Jesus is preparing his disciples for what is about to happen... his passion and death. The best preparation he can give them is the gift of peace.

Jesus always said "when" not "if" regarding troubles in our lives.  When massive troubles are about to overwhelm the disciples as Jesus is crucified, he prepares them with the gift of peace, a peace the world cannot give. And what follows this peace? Joy, even in the midst of troubles.

There are times lately when troubles have been dominating my thinking and emotions. Here is the antidote. The peace of Jesus. I let this peace in when I trust him. I don't see the full picture and don't have to... Jesus does and he is with me... today.

Jesus, again on your invitation I cast all my cares upon you. I lay all of my burdens down at your feet. My heavy yoke I exchange for your light and easy one. Your yoke's only burden is the gift of peace.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Way

Thomas said, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus said: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’

Jesus is comforting his disciples at the Last Supper. After saying they know the way to where he is going Thomas disagrees. Jesus says if you know me you know the way.

The early Church was known as the people of The Way, even before they were called Christians. So can we still be called today. Heaven's glory may be unfathomable but Jesus is with me, walking beside me, guiding me on the way back home to God the Father. 

To know Jesus is to know the way. If I'm following Jesus, every day is a day closer to home. And, when I'm following the way I'm also breathing in truth and life. What a great way to live out today.

Jesus, you are my way, my truth and my life. I commit to following you today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


I tell you most solemnly, whoever welcomes the one I send welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.

Jesus has just washed the disciples feet at the Last Supper, defining the role of servanthood as the main activity of his followers. He then establishes their character... welcome.

Call it hospitality, helpfulness, welcomeness, friendliness... you know when you encounter it and it is beautiful. Jesus says it represents a line of authority that can be traced back through him to God the Father. Welcome is a virtue to be practiced. Like all virtues, it starts as a decision but grows into a natural part of character.

Today I choose to practice welcome. 

Jesus, help me serve with a welcoming heart today and so be an authentic witness for you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

To whom else shall we go?

Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God.’

Jesus has just uncompromisingly taught life only comes by eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Many found the teaching unacceptable and left him. Jesus asks the twelve, "what about you?" Peter gives another great statement of faith; "Lord to whom shall we go...?"

Tough times come when the Lord appears to be asleep in the boat. "Lord, do you not care we are about to drown!" It's tempting to think it's all improbable. That's when it's good to ask Peter's question. "Lord to whom else shall we go...?" The answer is, there is no one else. Jesus alone has the word of eternal life. It's at those times I need to look up and over my circumstances and keep my eyes on him. Trust brings peace.

Jesus, my boat is being thrown about a bit at the moment. I know you do care. I know you alone have the words of life. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us. 

Friday, May 6, 2022


Then Ananias went. He entered the house, and at once laid his hands on Saul and said, ‘Brother Saul, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on your way here so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’ Immediately it was as though scales fell away from Saul’s eyes and he could see again.

Saul is blinded from his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians. Ananias is instructed by Jesus to go and minister to Saul. Reluctantly he goes resulting in Saul's miraculous healing and conversion. 

Imagine being the man who leads Saint Paul to Jesus. The greatest evangelist the Church has known first had to be evangelised. Ananias' obedience launched Paul's powerful missionary work.

Saying yes when you want to say no is difficult. Obedience is the only way forward, trusting that God has a wonderful outcome that I cannot see.

Lord make me obedient to your call in my life today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Philips Transport

But after they had come up out of the water again Philip was taken away by the Spirit of the Lord, and the eunuch never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing. Philip found that he had reached Azotus and continued his journey proclaiming the Good News in every town as far as Caesarea.

Philip, led by the Spirit, encounters an Ethiopian official leading to his baptism. Philip is then instantly translocated by the Holy Spirit to preach the Good News about Jesus in other towns.

These are exciting times in the early Church. The persecution of the Church has made it burst out of Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit is like a wind blowing the seeds of faith throughout the then known world. 

Christianity was never meant to be an exclusive Church for an elect few. God wants all people to be saved. The exciting times continue. The urgency to spread the Good News about Jesus remains, today...

Holy Spirit, blow me into encounters with people on the road of my day. Fill me with zeal to spread the Good News of Jesus so they may go on their way rejoicing.
Saint Philip the Evangelist, please pray for me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

All Who Believe

Alleluia, alleluia!
All who believe in the Son have eternal life,
and I will raise them up on the last day, says the Lord.

Today's Gospel Acclamation is taken from the Gospel itself, Jn.6:40. Jesus gives the pure and simple key to eternal life. Belief in him.

After ninety-two years of atheism my mother accepted Jesus into her life by saying two words; "I believe." She knew she was days from dying and had been drifting in and out of a coma. I asked her, "What do you believe, mum?"  Her reply was to recite the Lord's Prayer. 

Mum's statement of belief opened the door to eternal life for her. My dad had died a professing believer thirteen years earlier. I have every confidence they are together and that I have hope in seeing them again. What a beautiful gift mum gave me five days before she died. 

Thank you Jesus for leading mum and dad home. I again proclaim my belief in you and all your promises. I place my trust in you. Alleluia!
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

He Lives!

I taught you what I had been taught myself, namely that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures; that he was buried; and that he was raised to life on the third day.

Paul writes to the Church in Corinth reminding them of the Good News they had received with joy. What was the Good News? That Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose to life on the third day.

The same news is good today. The same news is the focus of my belief and faith. The same news is to be proclaimed by me today. The Good News is that Christ died for our sins, was buried and then rose to life on the third day. Alleluia! He is Alive!

Jesus, the Good News of your death and resurrection has the power to change lives, has changed my life. Help me be a bearer of Good News today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me. 


Monday, May 2, 2022

Faith Gym

‘What must we do if we are to do the works that God wants?’ Jesus gave them this answer, ‘This is working for God: you must believe in the one he has sent.’  Jn.6:28,29 

Jesus has been chased by crowds wanting more miracles after he had fed the five thousand. Knowing their carnal desires, Jesus tells them what is truly required from God. Not craving for more signs but belief in him.

There it is again, that word that the world scoffs... belief. Knowing that we would never be satisfied with signs, even witnessing someone returning from the dead, God makes his truth accessible in only one way, through belief. Belief, or faith, in the reality of the unseen God comes from deep inside me. It's more permanent. It withstands the winds of change, doubt and fickle feelings. 

C.S. Lewis writes; "Faith is such a necessary virtue: unless you teach your moods “where they get off,” you can never be either a sound Christian or even a sound atheist, but just a creature dithering to and fro, with its beliefs really dependent on the weather and the state of its digestion. Consequently one must train the habit of Faith." - Mere Christianity.

Train the habit of faith. This is what my morning prayer time is. A Faith Gym. It's such an important part of my Christian walk.

Jesus, thank you for my gift of faith. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.