Saturday, August 14, 2021

Recall and Rejoice

Choose today whom you wish to serve, whether the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are now living. As for me and my House, we will serve the Lord.

Joshua addresses the people before his death. His parting words are, "I have made my choice, now you make yours".

Whom I serve is always a choice and the choice is constantly before me. False gods or the one true God. Why do the false gods even have an appeal? Because Satan makes them appear alluring. Even getting out of my warm bed for this time of prayer required a determined choice. What made me make it? Remembering the blessings I get from this time convinced.

Joshua spends much of his address reminding the people of what God has done for them... freedom from slavery, victory in battle, food in the desert. I need to spend more time to recall and rejoice in what God has done in my life, the many blessings I have received. Then the choice is seen for what it is. A no-brainer.

Jesus, you have rescued me, you have blessed me. I thank you Lord. As for me and my house, we will serve you.
Saint Maximillian Kolbe, please pray for us.

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