Wednesday, August 25, 2021


You can remember how we treated every one of you as a father treats his children, teaching you what was right, encouraging you and appealing to you to live a life worthy of God,

Paul writes to the Church in Thessalonica to encourage them in their Christian faith. He likens his treatment of them to a loving father teaching his children what is right, good and true. 

Here is a worthy definition of fatherhood. One who out of love, teaches his children what is right, good and true, to live a life worthy of God. Two powerful tools I used when raising my children to be Godly, were stories and example. This applies equally to raising Godly grandchildren.

There are great stories for children that depict the fight between good and evil, the Chronicles of Narnia and Adventures in Odyssey for example. These fired my children's imaginations and helped them see the effect that good and evil can have. The stories were also a great trigger for conversation about God.

Example was and is trickier, only because my example wasn't and isn't consistently good. It's one of those areas where I rely on God to fill the gaps. As long as the tune is somewhere near what my song should be, Jesus will add the grace notes. 

Thank you Jesus for my children and grandchildren. Help me be a worthy teacher to them today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

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