Friday, April 23, 2021

What a Friend I've Found

A disciple called Ananias who lived in Damascus had a vision in which he heard the Lord say to him, ‘Ananias!’... He replied, ‘Here I am, Lord’.

Paul has encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus and has been struck blind. Ananias, a believer in Damascus, encounters Jesus in a vision and is told to go and heal Paul.

Saint Paul's conversion experience on the road is dramatic and well known. I'm also impressed by the lesser player Ananias. He is in close enough relationship with Jesus to instantly recognise his voice. In response to Jesus' call Paul says, "Who are you Lord?". Ananias says, "Here I am Lord." He knows the sound of Jesus' voice and is comfortable enough in his relationship to even remonstrate with him, "But Lord..."

There are many ways Jesus communicates. I've never heard his clear voice like Paul and Ananias... yet. But he does communicate with me. I've heard him at Mass. I've heard him in worship music. I've heard him while standing on a mountaintop, literally. The commonest way I hear him is in this morning prayer time.

What I'm hearing now is that Jesus is aching to be close with me, to be in intimate relationship with me now and throughout this day. 

What A friend I've found
closer than a brother 
I have felt your touch 
More intimate than lovers 
Jesus, Jesus 
Jesus, friend forever

Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.

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