Thursday, April 8, 2021

Alleluia He is Risen!

Their joy was so great that they still could not believe it, and they stood there dumbfounded; so he said to them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’ And they offered him a piece of grilled fish, which he took and ate before their eyes.

The disciples have gathered to hear the various stories of Jesus' resurrection starting to come in when suddenly Jesus is standing there among them. To prove he is truly alive he asks for and eats a piece of grilled fish.

The risen Jesus was hungry.  He empahsises his flesh and his blood. He was still fully human yet fully Devine. In a sense I stand dumbfounded with the disciples. The paschal mystery is almost too good to be true. Yet there it stands, the central tenet of our Christian faith. 

I reembrace this joyful news as I step out into the Easter Octave. He is risen, he is alive! Alleluia!

Jesus, my Risen Lord. I take the joy you have poured out into my heart to share it with all I meet today.
Saint Philip Neri, Patron Saint of Joy, pray for me.

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