Friday, May 8, 2020

The Way Truth and Life

Thomas said, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus said: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’
Jesus has just washed the disciples feet at the last supper. He has predicted Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial and now he comforts his disciples. "Do not let your hearts be troubled... I will come back for you... you know the way." Thomas voices the question on all minds, "how can we know the way?" Jesus clearly answers, "I am the only way..."

Last night we had an online parish conference focusing on why and how we need to evangelise. One woman spent a long time venting her frustrations about what she saw as archaic Church traditions suppressing women. It struck me how any un-churched person listening to that would shrug their shoulders and move on. It had nothing to do with introducing people to discovering Jesus.

The "no one can come to the Father except through me" part of Jesus answer crystalises our parish mission, my mission. Introduce people to Jesus.

Jesus, your Church is made up of many cracked pots, including me. Meld us together Lord as you melded the rough twelve so we can go make disciples of all the nations.
Saint Matthew, please pray for us.

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