Tuesday, April 16, 2019

One Step at a Time

Peter said to him, ‘Why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.’ ‘Lay down your life for me?’ answered Jesus. ‘I tell you most solemnly, before the cock crows you will have disowned me three times.’    Jn.13:36-38

Judas has just left to betray Jesus. Jesus foretells his Passion. Peter, typically not comprehending, blusters his pledge of allegiance. Jesus clinically tells Peter what his "allegiance" will shortly do.

This is leading to Peter's low-point, his denial of Christ. To underscore the betrayal, Jesus openly predicts Peter's cowardice in front of the others. It was recorded for all time. It seems the depth of Peter's betrayal laid the foundation for the height of his profound courage and loyalty that grew from that point on.

Have I denied Christ? Yes, many times. Each time I've chosen sin for a start. Does this mean I'm a hopeless case? No. Just as Peter rose from the ashes of his failures, so can I. Holy week is a time not to deny Jesus but to accompany him, stand by him through his Passion and death. My advantage over Peter is that I know what follows on the third day....

Jesus, forgive me for the many times I have denied you. I'm wary of making bold pledges. My spirit is willing but my flesh is so weak. But I can be reasonably sure of my next step alongside you. And then maybe the next... and the next...
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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