Friday, February 1, 2019

Hold is Hand

The Lord guides the steps of a man and makes safe the path of one he loves. Though he stumble he shall never fall for the Lord holds him by the hand.   Ps.36:23,24

David sings of God's guiding love that is steadfast even when he stumbles.

King David was no stranger to stumbling. A fornicator and murderer, he knew what it meant to stray from God's safe path. As a "stumbling follower", this psalm resonates with me.

Life is a path chosen to be followed. Wide and easy to hell, narrow and difficult to heaven, it's my choice. Here God promises to make safe his path, to be a guide through the difficulties, to hold my hand.

I'm approaching a crossroad on my path. Retirement is on the horizon. When and how are decisions to be made. I'm not worried about this change knowing God is holding my hand, is guiding my steps. My job is to keep a tight hold of his hand and keep on walking.

Thank you Lord for your loving guidance. I place my hand in yours. Show me the way.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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