Saturday, February 9, 2019

Smell the Wool

Gospel Acclamation:  Alleluia, alleluia! My sheep listen to my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Alleluia!     Jn10:27

In today's gospel we read that Jesus looked at the masses of people clamouring for him and "He took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd". The Gospel Acclamation foreshadows this metaphor.

Pope Francis opened his pontificate with a call for clergy to "get to smell the wool of their sheep". In ancient times a shepherd lived with and spoke to his sheep so they would get to know his voice and follow him.

This is a beautiful analogy for Christian leadership. Leaders are to spend time with those they are leading, get involved in their lives so relationships can be built. Then when the leader calls, those he is leading will follow.

This can be applied to home life, especially the role of the Dad. Us Dads need to get involved in the lives of our children, be relevant to them, smell their wool. Then when we call them to lead them out of danger, they recognise our voice and follow.

I'm a dad and a grandad. I need to keep involved in my children's and grandchildren's lives so my voice is one they will know, trust and love.

Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd. Help me be likewise to my family you have given me, so I may know them and they know me. 

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