Saturday, February 18, 2023

Speak Blessing

And a cloud came, covering them in shadow; and there came a voice from the cloud, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’ 

Jesus is with Peter, James and John on the mountaintop when he is transfigured into something glorious. A voice from God speaks out Jesus' identity. He is the beloved son.

There is power in a spoken word in season. There are moments in life that present unique opportunities to speak. I'm thinking of occasions like weddings, birthdays, and in my own case recently, retirement. These are times when you have "speaking rights". They are times to speak a benediction. 

This is especially true for us fathers. I recall my son's thirteenth birthday giving a "This is my beloved son" speech. Some family members ridiculed me but I remember my son standing taller and expanding his chest as I spoke. I'm glad I seized the opportunity.

Jesus, help my words always be life-giving and not life-taking. 
Saints Peter, James and John, please pray for me.

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