Friday, February 4, 2022

Noble and Generous

Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy are they who have kept the word with a generous heart
and yield a harvest through perseverance.

Today's gospel acclamation is taken from the parable of the sower where Jesus explains that the rich soil receiving seed and giving a bountiful harvest are people with noble and generous hearts who hear God's Word and keep it.

The Church adds a blessing to this quote from Jesus. Happiness is given to these noble and generous people. I have met such people, some old and some young, some religious and some lay. They tend to be active in ministry, giving generously of themselves. There is a radiance and joy about them that draws you to them. 

The key words for me are "noble and generous". Let this be my attitude I take into today.

Jesus, help me have a noble and generous heart towards all those I encounter today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

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