Monday, October 14, 2019

Belong Called Receive

You are one of these nations, and by his call belong to Jesus Christ. To you all, then, who are God’s beloved in Rome, called to be saints, may God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ send grace and peace. 

Paul starts his epistle to the Church in Rome by establishing that they are chosen, called and recipients of grace and peace.

Sometimes I have days where I'm wondering, "Now, who am I? Remind me again why I'm here? What is it again that I'm meant to be doing?" Well, here's the answer. I belong to Jesus and I'm beloved. I am called to be a saint and I receive grace and peace. I belong, I'm called and I receive.

Thank you Jesus for choosing me, loving me, believing in me, blessing me. I give my day to you.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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