Saturday, July 13, 2019


Be proud of his holy name, let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice.Ps.104:4

The psalmist recounts the wonders God has done for his people and exhorts believers to be bold and rejoice in their faith.

Having just returned from over seven weeks in Europe I'm meditating on what on I have observed and experienced in that time. One thing stands out. The last two thousand years of western history has been inexorably entwined with Christianity.

Wherever we were, simply seeking out where to go to Mass each day led to a greater discovery about the history of a place. It was like peeling back the skin of an orange and discovering not only does the fruit look interesting but it tastes sublime as well.

I've returned with an increased pride in my Catholic faith and a joy in being a seeker of the Lord. We have been given much. There is so much more to look forward to.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your Church. Thank you for my gift of faith. Give me more of your spirit to fire me into a bold and joyful witness for you.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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