Monday, July 22, 2019

More Oxygen - Increase the Heat

Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her. 

Mary Magdalene stays weeping at the entrance of Jesus' empty tomb after Peter and John leave as "They still did not understand...". She was the very first to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus is alive!

Mary Magdalene's name is mentioned more often in the Gospels than most of the Apostles. She was at the epicenter of all that happened in Jesus' ministry, death and resurrection. Her great love of Jesus is held up today, her feast day, for us to model.

True to form, Jesus continues to use the weakest to first reveal himself. He could have used Peter and John but he didn't. They left the tomb still scratching their heads. It was to Mary, lost in her grief, paying the price of her magnificent love, that he first showed his resurrected self.

It seems that love is the key, like the love of Mary Magdalene. If I want to proclaim the Good News I need to love the Good News. Love will make me run down a hill and burst into a room shouting "Jesus is alive!" That sort of enthusiasm can change lives, can change the course of history, starting today...

Jesus, sometimes my love of you wanes. The cares of the world smother me. Help me push aside the less important so my love for you gets more oxygen and can blaze with heat again.
Saint Mary Magdalene, please pray for me.

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