Friday, July 26, 2019

Just Breath

Their descendants stand by the covenants and, thanks to them, so do their children’s children. Their offspring will last forever, their glory will not fade. Their bodies have been buried in peace, and their name lives on for all generations.

Today is the memorial of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus. Sirach writes a hymn in honour of all faithfull ancestors.

I attended grandparents day at our grandchildren's Catholic primary school yesterday and had the joy of attending Mass with my six year old grandson sitting on my knee. I was reminded of how faith is caught, not taught. Teaching has to happen but the gift of faith is something that is breathed in. And to be breathed in it has to be in the atmosphere being breathed.

My faith was caught but not in the usual way. My children evangelised me, their non-believer father. They caught their faith from their mother, my wife, who in turn caught it from her parents. So God can give the gift of faith in many ways but it always involves relationships, usually within families. It's in a family where faith is practiced that faith is breathed in, that faith is caught.

As a mighty Kauri generates oxygen through photosynthesis, I still have a role to play in my children's and grandchildren's lives. I can generate a faith-laden atmosphere so it can be breathed in by those around me.

Lord Jesus, thank you for my gift of faith. Help me add faith to the atmosphere in my home so it can be breathed in by those close to me.
Saint's Anne and Joachim, please pray for me.

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