Saturday, June 8, 2019

Every Moment

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. Jn.21:25

 Saint John finishes his unfinishable account of Jesus’ time walking the earth in Palestine. He admits Jesus did much more than he could possibly record. Much of Jesus’ life is unrecorded, yet he would have lived those moments with no lesser mission, passion, love and joy. His life wasn’t a performance to be written in a play. He was authentically alive every moment of every day, whether people were watching or not

 Sometimes I catch myself looking sideways at my reflection in a window. I did this the other day, checking to see how I looked in my new hat. Honestly, nobody cares how I look. However, Jesus does care how I act, whether others are looking or not. He is watching me today, cheering me on to be authentically alive.

Jesus, I confess my vanity to you. Send me your Spirit to help me be alive for you every moment today. Saint Ambrose, please pray for me.

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