Saturday, February 1, 2020


Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep.

Jesus has the disciples take him to the other side of the lake. A storm breaks, threatening to flood the boat. As the disciples panic Jesus sleeps in the stern of the boat.

It's strange how we are attracted to water. A house with a view of water can command a 25% premium. We go to the beach, rivers, lakes for our holidays. We need water to exist. Yet water can kill. Drownings are common in our island nation.

Many of the disciples were fishermen. They needed water for their livelihood. Yet water scared them. Jesus used the storm to demonstrate his authority and to build the disciples' faith, even through the rebuke, "How is it that you have no faith?"

Storms come, nothing surer. When I'm feeling frightened, that is the time to turn to Jesus. He has control of the situation.

Thank you Jesus that you are always here. Sometimes it appears you are sleeping, but you are always in control. Build my faith in you Lord so I may be a strength to others.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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