Friday, February 14, 2020

All Things Well

Their admiration was unbounded. ‘He has done all things well,’ they said ‘he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’Mk.7:37
Jesus has just healed a deaf and dumb man. The Witnesses acclaim Jesus, proclaiming he does all things well.

All things well. Not some things well, all things. There are times when things aren't going well for a believer. I prayed for a woman last night who was made a young widow and now has cancer. Her young-adult children have turned from their faith as a result. Things are not going well for her. 

The question to ask in these situations is not why, but what? Faith tells us Jesus does all things well. So when bad things happen my question is, "What? What are you doing here Jesus?"

Yesterday's gospel had the foreign woman who was pleading for the deliverance of her daughter called a dog by Jesus. This appears cruel on the outside. But Jesus is all love and love cannot be cruel. So what was he doing? He was drawing the faith out of the woman that said, "Ah yes, but even dogs deserve crumbs".  The result of such faith was the healing of her daughter.

What are you doing in my life today Jesus?

Jesus, you do all things well. In you I place my trust.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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