Saturday, September 17, 2011

Noble and Generous Heart

And some seed fell into rich soil and grew and produced its crop a hundredfold.

Jesus is telling the parable of the sower of seeds.  He explains the meaning of the parable to His disciples.  The seed is the Word of God.  The rich soil is "people with a noble and generous heart" Lk.8:15.

On reading this familiar verse I am reminded of my responsibility as a father to make sure my children are "rich soil".  First, I have to make sure my children hear the Word of God in the first place.  The seed needs to be sown.  Bible reading needs to be a natural part of my family's life.  Secondly, I need to form my children to be people with a "noble and generous heart" so the they will take the Word to themselves and yield a harvest. 

What a high and difficult calling, to have a noble and generous heart.  It speaks of a mature character and can take a life-time to form.  It's a calling not only for my children but for myself.  Perhaps that is the best place to start...

Lord Jesus.  Thank you for the seed You sow into my life.  Help me develop a noble and generous heart that I may yield a worthy harvest.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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