Thursday, April 28, 2011

It Was For Me

Octave of Easter
'It was for you in the first place that God raised up his servant and sent him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.’
Acts 3:26

The cripple at the Portico of Solomon at the Temple has just been healed through the prayer of Peter and John.  A large crowd has formed, marveling at the wonder of this miracle. Peter gives another of his inspired preachings, identifying the true source of the miracle as the name of Jesus. Not missing the opportunity, Peter then goes on to preach the Gospel message; Jesus lived, died and rose again so that we may live.

Peter is addressing the Jews at the temple but his message is for all people; his message is for me.  It was for ME that God raised Jesus up and has sent Him to bless ME and turn ME from my wicked ways. Oh how I love Easter and all that it means for me.

Thank you Jesus that You do bless me and turn me from my wicked ways.  You are the source of my life. I place my trust in You.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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