Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tell Jesus

John’s disciples came and took the body and buried it; then they went off to tell Jesus.

John the Baptist's head has been cut off at the vengeful and macabre direction of Herod's wife.  John's followers, in their grief, do the only thing left to them. Go to Jesus.

When grief is at its peak and despair takes a hold, Jesus is waiting. I'm reminded of the two disciples, in their trauma over Jesus' death, stumbling along the road to Emmaus. The risen Lord meets them not only physically but also emotionally. In response to their incoherent outpouring of grief over the "things" that had happened, Jesus asks, "What things?" This starts the movement from intense sorrow to joy for the two disciples. 

I recall rushing to two dear friend's home on learning of the suicide of their son. At first we could only weep with them. Then someone said, "Let's pray". A corner was turned at that point as we poured out our sorrow to Jesus.

Jesus, you are the only one to turn to in our sorrow. Thank you Lord for your healing love.
Saint John the Baptist, please pray for us.

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