Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Me and Church

For where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.

Jesus makes a solemn promise to the Church. All we have to do is turn up, in his name, and he is there.

Does this mean our individual prayer is not received by Jesus? Of course not. It's just that he is present in a different way in a Christian gathering, in a way that is not better but in a way that is essential. Jesus never intended for most of us to be Lone Ranger Christians. We are intended to gather. I need others and others need me. 

This "group power" is found in my family prayer time, in my meeting with other Catholic brothers and in my parish. Thank God for Church.

Jesus, thank you for my Church. Help me be present to my brothers and sisters in faith and so present to you.
Saint  Philip Neri, please pray for me.

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