Monday, August 21, 2023

Clear the Path

If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.


The rich young man leads a pious life but Jesus calls him to more, to a sacrifice he is unable to do. He is recorded as the only genuinely seeking person to walk away from Jesus sad.

I was a huge Beatles fan (showing my age). At great expense, my wife bought me the complete boxed set of Beatles albums. As I grew in my faith I started feeling uneasy about my Beatles mania. It wasn't so much their music that I worshipped , it was their lifestyle. For me, they had become gods. To rid myself of this I gouged a screwdriver across each record in the boxed set and then threw them in the bin. 

Extreme? Maybe. I certainly felt freer afterwards. My wife was sympathetic. She understood my motive. Now, I'm not saying Beatles music is from the devil. It's not. But  for me it had become an obstacle I had to remove. We all have different obstacles I guess and even these can change over the years. What's important is that I'm aware stuff can get in the way of me moving further up and further in. I don't want to be the one sadly walking away from Jesus.

Saint Pius X, please pray for me.

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