Friday, July 21, 2023

What I want is Mercy

And if you had understood the meaning of the words: What I want is mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the blameless.

Jesus answers criticism from the Pharisees about his disciples picking and eating corn on the Sabbath. He places mercy on a higher level than the law.

There's a little Pharisee in me that baulks at mercy. The law is so neat and clean, so black and white, so easy to administer. Mercy is messy. There's always a nagging suspicion that those who are being given mercy are getting off the hook.

Well, that's exactly true for me. I've been let off the hook. Jesus has been oh so merciful to me. I'd be dead without it. God's mercy and grace is called outrageous for good reason. It is outrageous and wonderfully so. I want to be an agent of outrageous mercy today.

Jesus, I place the little Pharisee in me on the Cross to be nailed there. Help me be an agent of outrageous mercy today.
Saint Maria Goretti, please pray for me. 


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