Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Power and Authority

‘What teaching! He gives orders to unclean spirits with authority and power and they come out.’

Jesus is at the start of his ministry, is the "new thing" in town. He amazes the men in the synagogue by casting out a demon from a man.

Firstly, there was a demon in a synagogue. Devils can infiltrate sacred places with impunity.

Secondly, the demon instantly recognised not only Jesus but also his authority. Spirit sees spirit with a clarity superior to that of the flesh.

Finally, the people saw the "authority and power" of Jesus by his demonstration. Saint Paul says in the first reading that we believers have the mind of Christ and can teach with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.

Today I can also teach by demonstration of the Spirit's power. How? By putting on the mind of Christ.

Lord help me see things as they truly are by your vision and, where appropriate, demonstrate your power and authority.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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