Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Spontaneous Love

When the Lord saw her he felt sorry for her. ‘Do not cry’ he said.

Jesus comes upon a funeral procession, a widow burying her only son. Jesus feels compassion for the widow and raises the son, giving him back to her.

The widow was not only facing a lifetime of grief and loneliness, she was also facing poverty. She had just entered hell on earth with the death of her son. Jesus reaches into the depths of her despair and turns everything around. Her mourning was turned into dancing.

Jesus does that. He can turn things around when they look most hopeless. His compassion seems spontaneous, out of his control. He just can't help loving.

This is the God I follow, the one in whom I place my hope.

Thank you Lord for your spontaneous love. I don't deserve it, but you give it so I receive it. Let this joy be my gift to others this day.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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