Thursday, May 16, 2024

Take Courage Dear Heart

Next night, the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘Courage! You have borne witness for me in Jerusalem, now you must do the same in Rome.’

Paul has just witnessed as a prisoner before the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. Jesus now calls him to witness in the center of the then known world, Rome.

Paul must have known Rome would herald the end of his life. He was about to step into the lion's mouth. Jesus gave him the virtue necessary... courage. 

Proclaiming, witnessing, the Good News about Jesus takes courage. There is a boldness in the Gospel that either attracts or repels. Paul's powerful witness came from his courage and confidence in not being afraid to say what he knew to be true.

Jesus gives courage when it's needed.

Jesus, give me a boldness in witnessing for you in the Alpha Course tonight.
Saint Paul, please pray for me.

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