Friday, May 24, 2024

Forgiven and Loved

For as the heavens are high
above the earth
so strong is his love for those
who fear him.
As far as the east is from the west
so far does he remove our sins.

Psalm 102(103) paints a picture of God the Father head over heels in love. With whom? With me.

The writing of this psalm is attributed to David. It certainly has his fingerprints all over it. As Jesus said, he who has been forgiven much shows much love. This psalm was written by someone who had been forgiven much and knew he was loved.

What a marvelous word to take into my day. Yes, I'm a dirtbag. Yes, I'm forgiven. Yes, I'm loved.

Loving Father, you have crowned me with love and compassion. I press myself into your loving embrace.

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