Saturday, May 18, 2024

Focus on Following

Peter said to Jesus, ‘What about him, Lord?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I want him to stay behind till I come, what does it matter to you? You are to follow me.’ 

Peter asks Jesus what is to happen to John the Apostle. Jesus' answer is a mild rebuke to Peter to be concerned about his own business only. What is that? To follow Jesus.

Peter's question came from curiosity, not concern. These days we are encouraged to be curious by the world. Worldly curiosity is insatiable and a distraction. Jesus says no, be curious only about how to best follow him. Being a stumbling follower is not such a bad occupation after all.

Jesus, I do become curious about things that are not my concern. Help me stay focused on following you.
Saint Peter, please pray for me.

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