Friday, January 22, 2021

Faithfulness and Peace

Mercy and faithfulness have met; justice and peace have embraced. Faithfulness shall spring from the earth and justice look down from heaven.
The psalmist describes the relationship between God and man. God's mercy and justice embraces man's faithfulness and peace.

Reading this psalm brings to mind Michelangelo's famous Sistine Chapel image of man and God's fingers at the point of touching. The reclining and newly created Adam, unsullied yet by sin, looks a man of faith and peace.

Today I choose to be a man of faith and peace, placing myself in a position to receive God's mercy and justice.

 Lord, I trust in your mercy and justice. Help me today be a man of faithfulness and peace.
 Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Anchor for Our Soul

Here we have an anchor for our soul, as sure as it is firm, and reaching right through beyond the veil where Jesus has entered before us and on our behalf.
The writer of Hebrews is underscoring the certainty of God's promise, that our hope of eternal life rests on the bedrock of his promise as revealed in Jesus.

Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes, a quote made famous by Benjamin Franklin but refuted here in Hebrews. God's promise is even more certain. In a world in the grip of a pandemic, nothing seems certain. But "here we have an anchor for our soul". This certainty gives stability to my day. I may not know what tomorrow may bring but Jesus does. That is enough for me to step boldly out into today.

Thank you Jesus that you have stepped through the veil of death to establish my sure hope of heaven. I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Monday, January 18, 2021

New Wine Fresh Skins

No! New wine, fresh skins!
Some people have asked Jesus why his disciples are not fasting when John's disciples do so. Jesus infers his disciples are following a new and superior way where a time for fasting will come but presently it is not that time.

New wine, fresh skins. This is Jesus' game plan for both then and now. This is what makes our Christian faith so fresh and alive. It is always new. The Good News is always new to those who have not previously received it. Our Alpha Course has this appeal. It is new wine in a fresh skin for those guests who are unchurched. 

My life should be a fresh witness to the new wine of the Gospel today...

Jesus, you are the new wine in my life. Help me be a fresh skin to carry you into my day.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Sinner with Hope

It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. I did not come to call the virtuous, but sinners.
Matthew has just responded to Jesus' invitation to follow and holds a party to celebrate. While Jesus is the guest of honour there are many guests not so honorable yet are rejoicing in his company. The Scribes of the Pharisees, men who are meant to be honorable, are not so pleased. The ones who knew Jesus was for them, the tax collectors and sinners, were the ones who celebrated.

This is the core of the Good News. Jesus declares he came specifically for the sick sinner. He came for me. When I feel defeated by sin I grab hold of this truth. Jesus is a God of mercy and he wants me well again. In fact he can make me well again!

I enter this day, yes a sinner but a sinner with hope.

Thank you Jesus that you came to call me. Lord, I hear your call and joyfully respond as Matthew did. 
Saint Matthew, please pray for me.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Power from on High

‘Here is a teaching that is new’ they said ‘and with authority behind it: he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.’
Jesus has just delivered a man of an unclean spirit in front of a synagogue of witnesses. The people are amazed and in awe of this display of authority.

Jesus' teaching was new and had power. This freshness of teaching and the power behind it is still available to me today. It was given to me when I received the Holy Spirit in the sacraments and in my personal baptism in the Spirit. I've been given this Good News and power from on high not just for myself but to share with others. Today there will be opportunities...

Jesus, it's not recorded anywhere that you refused help when people asked. Help me be as open to people you place in my life today.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Right Place, Right Time, Right Thing

He must grow greater, I must grow smaller.
John the Baptist's disciples have reported that Jesus is drawing greater crowds. John rejoices in this news as one rejoices for a bride when he hears the bridegroom's voice.

It's interesting that John says he must grow smaller. At first this appears as an oxymoron. Aren't growth and smaller opposites? Not according to John. His humility in recognising who Jesus is made Jesus say he was the greatest born by a woman. There is a greatness in humility.

He greater and me smaller. This also suggests seasons. There's a time for everything, the trick is to recognise the season. I'm looking at impending retirement from work. In one area I will become lesser to make room to become greater in other areas.

Jesus, help me be so focused on you that I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Bring Good News!

He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.
Jesus is reading in the synagogue at Nazra, where he had been brought up. He reads form the prophet Isaiah, then proclaims these words are now being fulfilled.

These words from Isaiah were Jesus' mission statement, which means they are my mission statement, which means they are the mission statement of our Alpha Course ministry. Bring good news, proclaim liberty, give sight, set free, announce God's favour. 

This mission is as desperately needed today as it was two thousand years ago. We still have the poor, the captives, the blind. Human brokenness hasn't changed.  Jesus' promises still work. Alleluia!

Jesus, Alpha is your ministry. Empower us to be proclaimers of  your Good News.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for us.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Miracle Man

Those who had eaten the loaves numbered five thousand men.
Jesus has just fed the five thousand from five loaves and two fish. To underscore the miracle, it is recorded that twelve baskets of scraps were collected afterwards.

I try and picture myself in this scene, maybe as one of the disciples knowing right from the start that a miracle was taking place before my eyes. I'm handing out the bread and fish but keep looking back at Jesus. He is sitting there, a smile on his face, more interested and pleased that the people are being fed than in the actual miracle. 

Miracles can bewitch. The crowds started chasing Jesus for more bread, more tricks, after this event and Jesus rebuked them. The miracle is a blessing for those who receive it and we rejoice in that. More importantly, it points back to Jesus, giving authority to who he is.

I have people on my daily prayer list that need miracles to happen in their lives. Every day, today, is a day I can pray for miracles to happen, for Jesus' glory.

Thank you Jesus that you take joy in blessing us through miracles. Jesus, I place my trust in you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Straight Path Person

‘I am, as Isaiah prophesied: a voice that cries in the wilderness: Make a straight way for the Lord.’
John the Baptist is interrogated by church leaders as to who he is. John denies being the Messiah or any great prophet. He simply says he is a voice and a voice in the wilderness at that. It's what his voice is saying that is important. "Make a straight way for the Lord".

John didn't have to go to the Temple or even be inside Jerusalem for his voice to be heard. People came out into the wilderness to him. Jesus says when the Son of Man is lifted up all men will be drawn to him. John was lifting up the truth and the truth is Jesus. Consequently, people were drawn to him. 

My parish of Saint Matthew's is the smallest in the city, out in the suburbs, in the wilderness so to speak. We are planning to host another Alpha Course as an outreach to the unchurched in the city. Jesus is lifted up, he will draw the people in. All we are called to do is make straight the path for people.

Jesus, you know my path sometimes meanders, is not always straight for you. Help me be a straight-path person so I may lead others to you.
Saint Philip Neri, please pray for me.