Friday, March 27, 2020


They would have arrested him then, but because his time had not yet come no one laid a hand on him.


Jesus is in the Temple and openly proclaiming he is from God. The Jewish elders had already decided to kill him, they were just waiting for the moment.

Today's readings set the scene for Holy week. There is plotting from the killers in the First Reading, protection promised by God in the Psalm and Jesus the victim placing himself in their sights in the Gospel.

It seems Jesus had to experience the ultimate betrayal before being lead to his passion. The kiss of Judas. To have one of his inner circle of friends betray him in such a way would have been the deepest of cuts. It is said civil wars are the bloodiest.

The opposite of treachery is loyalty. This virtue is something I can practice in all my relationships, with my friends, neighbours, at work or at home. Especially at home...

Jesus, you experienced treacherous betrayal and yet returned it with loyalty and love. Help me be a loyal friend, a loyal Dad and Grandad, a loyal husband.
Saint Thomas Moore, please pray for me.

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