Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Green Eyed Monster

‘They have given David the tens of thousands,’ he said ‘but me only the thousands; he has all but the kingship now.’ And Saul turned a jealous eye on David from that day forward.

David has just killed Goliath and the Hebrew army has routed the Philistines. The rejoicing women acclaim greater victory to David and King Saul is stirred by jealousy.

Saul is eventually consumed by his jealousy and looses the alliance of David who could have been his greatest ally. I have heard a priest say he rarely hears about jealousy in the confessional. It's a sin we find difficult to identify in ourselves, yet alone confess. Jealously always bears bad fruit. Always.

Who am I jealous of? What does jealousy say about my insecurity? Today let me deliberately rejoice in the success of others and boot jealousy out of my life.

Jesus, I want to be secure in your love for me. Help me rejoice in others success and so be the ally I am meant to be.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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