Saturday, August 31, 2019

Living and Loving

You have learnt from God yourselves to love one another, and in fact this is what you are doing... However, we do urge you, brothers, to go on making even greater progress and to make a point of living quietly, attending to your own business and earning your living, just as we told you to.
1 Thes.4:9-11
Paul writes to the Church in Thesalonica, encouraging them to continue loving one another and living a quite life.

It seems loving and living a quiet life are positive witness to an authentic Christian life. The world wants me to be noisy, showy, noticed. I'm called to a quiet life going about my business, earning my living and always loving.

Now, the quiet life, minding my own business, earning my living is easy. Loving others can be the hard part.

Jesus, you lived and loved so naturally. Help me by a live lover in my day today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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