Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wheat among the Weeds

“Sir, was it not good seed that you sowed in your field? If so, where does the darnel come from?” “Some enemy has done this.” he answered. 

The intended harvest is pure wheat. Weeds from the enemy invariably get in. They are both allowed to grow together, awaiting sorting at the harvest.

As long as I am living in this mortal coil, weeds are part of who I am. I don't invite them, I don't want them, but there they are. I see them. I know them.

The beautiful thing is, Jesus sees only my wheat. He looks past the weeds and calls forth the wheat. My wheat rises to the light of the Son.

My mother in law had the wonderful habit of always finding the good in people. Time and again I watched as people rose to her view of their goodness, usually people who I would step over to the other side of the road to avoid. 

Jesus sees my goodness, my wheat. He steps back over the road to be with me, to help me rise to the goodness he sees in me.

Thank you Jesus for finding gold in my myrie clay, wheat among my weeds. Help me see myself rightly, as you see me, and rise to that best version of myself.

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