Friday, July 5, 2024

Stretcher Bearer

A number of tax collectors and sinners came to sit at the table with Jesus and his disciples. 

Jesus attracted the very ones that repelled the pious Pharisees. The only difference between the sinners and the Pharisees appears to be that the sinners acknowledged their sin and their need for Jesus. The Pharisees. didn't.

Jesus drew sinners to himself. Today's Church has lost that charism. The very ones that Jesus came for are repelled, rightly or wrongly, from our pews. They smell the odor of judgement oozing out from our doors. 

We need to regain the virtue of loving acceptance and become the hospital in the field of battle that Pope Francis is calling us to be. 

To that end, I need to become a stretcher bearer in the field of battle.

Saint Matthew, please pray for us.

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