Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Cry Out with Joy

Let the land and all it bears rejoice, all the trees of the wood shout for joy at the presence of the Lord for he comes, he comes to rule the earth. 
The psalmist sings of God's return at the end of time to rule and judge all the world.

Nearing the end of the calendar year the Church has us again focusing on the end of time. Here we learn there will be a great cry from everything and everyone when Jesus returns. For some it will be a cry of horror, for others a cry of joy. The surety and finality of end times judgement will not escape anyone.

What can I do to ensure my cry will be one of joy? Again I am reminded of Jesus' parable of the sower where he describes the rich soil as "people with a noble and generous heart who hear the Word and tend to it". The fruit of a noble and generous heart is to hear God's Word and act on it. 

So, to be found acting on God's Word is a good place to be when Jesus returns. He may return today...

Lord Jesus, I want my cry to you when you return to be a cry of joy. Give me courage and strength to act on your word, to tend to it today.
Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and Companions, please pray for me.


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